Development update 3
It have been a very slow week and it feels that I haven’t been doing much at all but this week have been focused on getting the dashboard ready. I have done a very simple one and later I want to have some kind of template where you can have a good starting point for different languages. I have some thoughts to first focus on different game templates but that will be for the next face in the development. I have looked into save different statistics and that will be presented on the dashboard. It will be from how much data you have to have many times you have hit the save button. I will continue to see what I can save.
I found out the drawbacks to use a CDN. I was about to do some coding today to get the last things done with the statistics on the dashboard. Unfortunately a few libraries couldn’t get delivered so the entire site was unusable and I don’t know when I can use it again. I have on my to do list to change over to npm and build my own bundle. I think that a React/Vue framework are to big when I only have more or less one page that is the editor. But I need to rewrite the front end because that is just patch together to get something up and running to see if the back end is working. I guess I will prioritize this some higher after this problem. But then again I can write the front end code more like I want it.
That’s it for this week, Happy Coding All!